Article 34

1.          No-one may be subjected to an order carrying legal consequences for him, or affecting him to a significant degree, if that order is taken solely on the grounds of automated processing of personal data intended to obtain a picture of certain aspects of his personality.

2.          The first paragraph does not apply if the order referred to there:

a.       is taken as part of the contracting or execution of an agreement and 1°.      the request of the person concerned has been met or

2°.     appropriate measures have been taken to protect his justified interests, or

b.      is based on a national ordinance in which measures are laid down that serve to protect the justified interest of the person concerned.

3.          An appropriate measure as referred to in paragraph 2(a), is taken if the person concerned has been given an opportunity to express his views concerning the order as referred to in paragraph 1.

4.          In the case, referred to in paragraph 2, the responsible party shall notify the person concerned of the underlying logic of the automated processing of the data concerning him.